Participants are provided with advice on employment opportunities in conjunction with workplace training options (up-skilling) throughout the delivery of the program. While VTS may not offer all the qualifications indicated within the pathway, we identify relevant progression that may be attained:
Training Pathways
BSB50120 – Diploma of Business
BSB50420 – Diploma of Leadership and Management
Employment Pathway
Employment outcomes resulting from the completion of this course may include the following roles:
Business Administrator
Team Leader
Mode of Study
All face-to-face training and assessment is conducted in the student’s workplace.
Entry Requirements
There are no entry requirements to study this qualification, although students must be able to provide a Unique Student Identifier (USI) and identification.
Students must also complete a short Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) assessment to assist VTS in identifying a learner’s eligibility and individual needs.
Learning Resources
VTS provides the student with the required learning resources.
Recognition of Prior Learning
The Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) process involves the collection of relevant evidence to meet the assessment requirements outlined within the qualification. Once the criteria is met, the qualification can be awarded.
The process is not intended to be time-consuming or require a laborious search for historical evidence. Most of the assessment involves direct interview and observation related to your employment and collection of paper-based evidence to support your nomination.
Undertaking this mode of assessment can be advantageous to those candidates who have:
• Previous industry qualifications
• Previous incomplete qualifications
• Relevant industry experience
• Relevant employment skills