The Certificate II Leadership course allows individuals to take the next step in developing skills to effectively manage themselves and is a pathway course to the BSB30120 – Certificate III in Business qualification as well as other Certificate II and III vocationally specific courses. This course supports individuals with their transition to employment, further education and community participation. Similar to the 52878WA – Certificate I Leadership, this course is typically packaged with a suite of electives that create an engaging learning experience.
Participants and employers are provided with advice on employment and further training pathways throughout the delivery of the program. While VTS may not offer all the qualifications indicated within the pathway, we identify relevant progression that may be attained:
Training Pathways
Articulate to the BSB30120 – Certificate III in Business (Broad elective selection)
Various traineeship opportunities at Cert II or Cert III level
Employment Pathway
Employment outcomes resulting from the completion of this course include:
– entry level positions in a range of industries
– traineeship options in a chosen field at the Certificate II level.
Non-paid employment pathways also exist, such as office holders of local community organisations.
Mode of Study
This course is delivered face-to-face in a classroom with simulated work environment and is supported by manageable levels of preparation activities and prescribed homework. The face-to-face component is typically delivered over an 8 to 10 week period and students have up to six months to complete the course.
Entry Requirements
There are no entry requirements to study this qualification, although students must be able to provide a Unique Student Identifier (USI) and identification.
Students must also complete a short Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) assessment to assist VTS in identifying a learner’s eligibility and individual needs.
Learning Resources
VTS provides the student with the required learning resources.
Recognition of Prior Learning
VTS conducts RPL for individuals who have existing work experience. For recognition of skills already attained contact VTS.