

We believe that training and education is key to creating opportunities and employment pathways for everyone. The aim of the Equity Program is to provide assistance and training to unemployed people who have barriers accessing mainstream training, including the barriers of shame and distrust of education, which is locking so many people out of accessing important training programs. Ultimately, the program seeks to prepare students for employment, enabling them to participate fully in the workforce.

We primarily focus our efforts in delivering effective programs to First Nations people and Youth at Risk target groups that are experiencing barriers to learning making education within the mainstream system ineffective. The Equity Program is exclusively used to address the base training needs of long-term disengaged job seekers. 

We are committed to providing high-quality alternative education and training programs that fully engage and benefit such students. Participants completing these courses will have the capability and confidence to apply for a range of entry-level job roles in a variety of industries.

VTS has been providing leadership foundational education and training programs to students from Perth to Kununurra.

  • The eligible target groups under this program are:

  • First Nations peoples

    At Risk Youth

    People with disabilities, and

    Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CaLD)

Vocational Training Services Equity and Participation Programs

First Nations Peoples

Our First Nations programs have been specifically developed to provide support to First Nations peoples in achieving their education and training goals – whatever they might be. Our staff are trained in cultural awareness and our courses are tailored to the interests of the students, have a high composition of activity-based learning as well as offering real life working scenarios to enable the students to enter the workforce with knowledge and confidence.

At Risk Youth

VTS can offer tailored programs to young people disengaged from the mainstream education and training system and are seeking genuine alternative options to kickstart their working lives. Similar to the First Nations program, our trainers are dedicated, and have the skills required to identify the needs of the students, and adjust the training delivery accordingly.

Each student across both cohorts, is required to participate in a community-based project where they plan, organise, and deliver a project to the community. These projects are individually tailored for the student and community needs. These projects can include – a pamper day for local members, a photo shoot at the location of the students choosing, a gala sports day for a local primary school and much more.


The Department of Training and Workforce Development provides additional funding for a range of support services for students. These services are to assist and support people to be able to access and attend training and improve their employment prospects.

Registered training providers who are approved to deliver courses in the Equity and Participation Program may offer support and services in addition to the range of courses and qualifications available through VTS.

  • Those registered in our Participation Program – Equity funded courses may also have access to:

  • Mentors for all students from start to finish, to support them with identifying strategies to remain engaged with the program and identify future pathways into jobs or further education and training


    Provision of Language, Literacy and Numeracy support

    Training design to accommodate the unique and distinct culture of the First Nations people

    Provision of transport services for young people who may not yet drive or have access to suitable transportation to the course, and

    Assistance with meals

The program also assists with support for job seeking, resumé writing, accessing services to help students obtain their Drivers Licence and work experience for eligible students.

Our Trainers

In addition to providing an excellent education and training experience, our trainers and mentors enjoy the opportunity to build positive and long-term relationships with our students.

All VTS trainers and staff have demonstrated experience in working with Indigenous communities and youth. This ensures that our training is specifically tailored to meet the needs of students who access our services.

If you would like more information, or to find out if you qualify to participate in these courses

Currently, VTS offers nationally recognised qualification and accredited course programs tailored to First Nations, at risk youth and disadvantaged cohorts in the following leadership courses:

52878WA – Certificate I in Leadership

52879WA – Certificate II in Leadership

SIT20322 – Certificate II in Hospitality

SIRSS00022 – Manage disrespectful, aggressive or abusive customers

SITSS00071 – Responsible Service of Alcohol

AE378 – Business Ready Skill Set

These courses are designed for students who are seeking an alternative education pathway and are disengaged from employment or education. At a Foundation level, these courses teach students how to overcome barriers to learning whilst promoting self-confidence and resilience. Upon completion of this course, students will have developed some initial job-ready skills to help prepare them for further training and potential employment. 

The Certificate II Leadership course allows individuals to take the next step in developing skills to effectively manage themselves and work with others to achieve project outcomes. Similar to the Certificate I Leadership, this course is typically packaged with a suite of electives that create an engaging learning experience.

In addition to this, VTS also partners with Indigenous organisations such as the East Kimberley Job Pathways (EKJP) and Ashburton Aboriginal Corporation to provide on-the-job skills growth and pathways to leadership roles for aspiring First Nations employees.