How to apply and enrol
Select your desired study mode below to find out how and when to apply.
Employer-based study
Employer-based courses normally have enrolments available at any time.
Employer-based learning and assessment plans are created at an individual level in consultation with you and/or your employer.
The flexibility of employer-based study mode also allows you to structure and undertake your learning and assessment in a way that fits into your professional and personal life.
If you are interested in employer-based study, please contact our friendly team at VTS Training.
Skill sets
Our skill sets are a type of short course that provides certification for specific workplace skills.
Skill sets are made up of one or more units of competency which link to an industry need or regulatory requirement, such as a licence. When you complete a skill set, you will receive a statement of attainment. In some cases this may count towards a higher qualification with further study.
Dates for upcoming skill sets are available on our website under the skill set you are interested in.
Apprenticeship Traineeship
Apprenticeship OfficeIf you would like to undertake an apprenticeship or traineeship with Vocational Training Services, you need to contact the Department of Training and Workforce Development’s Apprenticeship Office.
The Apprenticeship Office manages the apprenticeship and traineeship system in Western Australia and helps employers, apprentices and trainees through every stage of their course.
Priority Industry Training
Students must currently be employed or underemployed and are seeking training.
Equity & Participation Program
See ProgramThe Jobs & Skills website provides the eligibility requirements for the Equity and Participation
Qualifications/Study Modes (defined)
We are at our most effective when delivering meaningful training and development activities in a face-to-face setting. While we use technology to augment and support our learning programs, an engaging, personal connection directly with our training staff is often cited by clients as a key success factor.
Our primary delivery mode for most of our courses is face-to-face training. We feel this is appropriate, both for the course and content being delivered, as well as the needs of typical students or businesses we are servicing.
Our alternative education (job-ready) programs are typically delivered face-to-face in the classroom three days per week over 9-10 weeks. Our other classroom programs vary in intensity and duration and are flexible to meet local needs.
Traineeships and apprenticeships delivery varies based on the qualification being studied but are typically delivered face-to-face in the workplace once per month. Different students may require either more or less frequent visits, which can be managed when the trainer is locally based (rather than FIFO).
VTS provides its students with all learning resources such as Learner Guides, reference materials and case studies, learning activities, Assessment Tools, and Workshop Hand-outs. These are available in hard copy or electronically to suit the employee. We also utilise some technology to aid the effectiveness of face-to-face learning. This allows us to remove admin and non-value add activities from the training sessions, thereby maximising the impact of the time with the trainer.
International Students & Visa Holders
We do not currently accept enrolments into our funded courses from International Students or students on a student visa.
Persons holding one of the following visa types are to be treated as Australian residents for fee charging purposes and are also eligible for fee waivers and concessions:
holders of a sub-class 309, 444, 785, 790, or 820 visa
secondary holders of a temporary visa of sub-class 457or 482 visa
holders of a Bridging Visa E (subclasses 050 and 051) where the visa holder has made a valid application for a visa of subclass 785 or 790
Ukraine citizens who are holders of a visa sub-class 449 or 786
Afghan citizens who are holders of a visa sub-class 449, and
holders of a bridging visa who are eligible to work, and who have made a valid application for a subclass 866